Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 34 Baker Louisanna

Then there is Bam he is quite put out because all he gets to do is look through a screened door at the world outside. Walmart Parking Ugh says Bam.

Day 34 Baker Louisanna

Then after our walk we had Carol's Gumbo it is soooooooooo good, she is becoming quite the cajun girl.

Day 34 Baker Louisanna

Beautiful Oak trees and their seeds, Oak trees are everywhere they are so massive and beautiful also we saw a holly hedge it was very nice.

Day 34 Baker Louisanna

Diane poseing!!!!!!!!!!!! Jim resting!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Carol mad at me for taking her picture yet again

Day 34 Baker Louisanna

We are still in Baker Louisanna it was a nice day today and Carol came over and said come on guys Daisy needs to go for a good walk, well she actually was saying Come on you guys we all need to go for a good walk, so we headed across the street to an open area which happened to be a graveyard, the ground around most of Louisanna is wet soggy because of the rains and some of it is just sea level or below so when we walked we were getting wet feet but we did it for Daisy good thing she is a cute dog!!!!!!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 33 Cajun Style

In this restraunt as we ate a band was playing cajun music it reminded me of my Mom and Dad and the style of music they danced to a faster waltz and almost a polka very nice music. People we up dancing I never saw this in a restraunt before dancing as we ate it was neat.

Day 33 Cajun Style

And there was of course dessert which only Diane and Jim had room for it was a wonderful hot fudge cake with ice cream drizzled with black berry syrup. Yummy Yummy to bad for the rest of you sooooooooooooo good it was.

Day 33 Cajun Style

Carol and I had Alligator it was really good with stuffed potatoes and Ken had Crawfish Alfreado it was good also, Jim had Catfish and said his was very good too, a good choice of restraunt to try some real Cajun Food, thanks Tim and Rachelle for coming with us.

Day 33 Cajun Style

This is Tim and Rachelle really nice people, they had boiled crawfish and hush puppies, hush puppies are like a corn bread. I tried the crawfish they were actually good once you got rid of the head ewh

Day 33 Cajun Style

We went out for supper tonight at Boutin's a authentic Cajun Style restraunt, they have a bayou out back and you can feed the turtles, however all Carol and I saw to feed were fish, that is what we did as we waited for their friends to join us for supper. This restraunt is in Baton Rouge.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 32 Louisana

Well we did not do much today either as it rained all day very hard, so we just took it easy, we had supper together left over pizza and spagetti, then we played cards. Hope tomorrow will be better

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 31 still in Louisanna

Here we are heading down the road about 5 miles or so to our other Walmart where we hope to be able to stay a few days, Carol made a chicken and sausage gumbo and I made dirty rice for our supper tonight it was really good, then we played a few games of cards.

Day 31 Still in Louisianna

Not much happening today here we are getting ready to leave our Walmart spot to go about 5 miles or so down the road to yet another Walmart want it to warm up a bit before we head to Tennesse, in the other picture is an ant hill it looks real inocent until you disturb it and then millions and millions of tiny tiny fire ants come squirring out they bite so best to stay away and keep Daisy away from those sand hills.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 30 Zachery

Well no pictures today, we did not do much just stayed at home, it was not to bad a day sun was shinning a little windy at times but not a bad. I made a spagetti dinner and after we ate we played a few games of cards. That was the extent of our day, we will probably be going a little ways tomorrow and stay at yet another Walmart.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 29 Port Hudson State Historic Site in Louisiana

I climbed to the top of the watch tower and took some pictures there's Jim and the lake shows some small replicas of boats and subs I guess that were dipicting some battle, also we found out that near the end of March they have a living history event to demonstrate the Civil War, with weapons and equipment and cosutmes it sounds like it would be something to see but we will have headed out before it was going to happen.

Day 29 Port Hudson State Historic Site in Louisiana

Some of the vegetation we saw on the trail from Bamboo to plants that look like they could be in your homes. It was very nice and interesting.

Day 29 Port Hudson State Historic Site in Louisiana

Here we are going on a hike on the trail where the battle between the states took place it is a well marked easy trail we only went on half of it it is in total about 6 miles long, lots of intersting trees and vegetation to see and it shows were some of the cannons and men would of been hiding or waiting for their enemies.

Day 29 Port Hudson State Historic Site in Louisiana

We decided to go to Port Hudson in Zachary, Carol was not feeling well so did not come with us today, Port Hudson is both the North and the South wanted control of the Mississippi, since it was the first site with high ground upstream from Baton Rouge and overlooked a servere bend in the river it was the perfect spot for river batteries. Lots of History and Information about this battle in the museum.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 28 Baton Rouge sites

Some of the beautiful grounds around the Capital Building, and the white building you see is the Governors Mansion, that is what we did today.