Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 45 Sun Studios

Missed something while we were at the Sun Studios our guide you see in the white shirt gave Ken a guitar, I know Ken thought he was only to hold it but NO he was suppose to play it (yea right) anyway it was with a piece of paper that he stummed for about a half a second and gave the guitar back to the tour guide.

Now you will see Diane with a mic well she has now been anchor woman on Channel Two News, see her with Elvis, and will hear her on Sirus Radio (Elvis station) and now she is going to record a song, what will that girl do next????????????

Day 45 Sun Studios

After we left Sun Studios we were only across the river from Arkansas so we decided to take a drove over the Mississippi yet again to say we were in Arkansas, the Mississippi separtes Mississippi, Tennessee, and Arkansas. yes we do some silly spontanious things.

Day 45 Sun Studios

Our tour guide took us into a room where there was all kinds of old equipment used in those early years and how combersome some were even though they were called portable not like our portable equipment of today, we then went downstairs to the recording room, this studio consisted of 3 rooms the reception room the recording room and the sound room it was very small, you can see all the entertainers who got their start at this small studio. It is know that the owner fell on hard times and sold the studio for 3500.00. He was then able to pay off his debts and probably was sorry he never kept some of the famous ones like Elvis, Johnny Cash etc. There is so much to hear about this little studio and we were told we could not go into the sound booth as it is still in use today yes every night someone will come in and want to cut a record or CD and they still do it, although the equipment in this room has changed it is still the unique studio that so many famous entertainers got their first break. Elvis was only with them a few years then he went over to RCA studios.

Day 45 Sun Studios

You may wonder what is with these red bar stoles well on them is the names of some famous entertainers that got their start in the music business in this very small recording studio, so we decided to take the tour cost of $12.00 each and see how it was done back in the 50's

Day 45 Beale Street in Memphis

This is Beale Street as I said it was famous for the blues and rock and roll you can see musical notes on the sidewalks with names on them I only took pictures of names I knew yep Elvis was there too. The other shops were neat to see and the famous Daisy Theater so cool.

Day 45 Beale Street in Memphis

The Peabody Hotel is a beautiful hotel located downtown on Beale street this is quite a famous street since most of the blues stars at one time or another were there and played there well let me get back to the Peobody Hotel, some of us may not of know this (I know I did not) everyday once a day at 11:00 am and then again at 5:00 pm 5 Ducks come from out of an elevator of the geogeous Hotel and walk on RED CARPET no less to the water fountain located in the middle of the Hotel. I guess they used to do this before the hotel was built and are still walking this walk but the amazing thing is even though they do come down with an elevator they have their own room upstairs so if weather is really bad outside they can stay indoors, this is true no lies look on google and find out all about these ducks and the famous Peobody Hotel.

Day 44 Graceland

And last but not least I went on Elvis Sirus Radio and said

My name is Diane Flanders from Ponteix Saskatchewan Canada, I learned about Elvis from my sister as I was younger and favourite song Love me Tender(think that is the one I said) and I had traveled over 5000 miles to come to Graceland.

Day 44 Graceland

Yet in another part of the shops our tour continues with more Elvis memorbila it is just the greatest exhibit I have seen and to think he is gone is so sad imagine what he could still be doing if he was still with us on earth, Elvis thankyou

Day 44 Graceland

Some of Elvis's cars his pink cadilac Pricilla's car and his motor cycle there were many more but as in the house we could not use flashes on our camera's so some of the pictures are to dark to see real good.

Day 44 Graceland

Once we got across the street again to where the shops were and more Elvis memorbilia we went into his plain the Lisa Marie the sinks were gold and the seat belt buckels were gold he had a lounging room on board a bed room and a dining room Elvis was going to do it all his way and that way he could take care of business his way

Day 44 Graceland

With our VIP pass we got to see the back yard as well of Elvis's place these two horses are direct decendents of Elvis's very own horses Elvis liked the palamino the best. You can see old equipment in the yard just laying around rusting (looks like any other back yard right). The two mobile homes and the blue cottage were for Elvis's guests Elvis loved to have people around and wanted them to stay for awhile so he put them up with accomadations so they would stay. You can see there are other homes right around his place it is not way out and away from people as you might think it is right on a busy street with lots of neighbours.

The little church you see over the fence is one that Lisa Marie had built so people could get married there and have there pictures taken at Graceland. There was another church there at one time and Elvis had asked if he could go through the fence when he wanted to escape and no one would notice him so he was allowed to sneak through the back way and head off to places he wanted to go to get away from the crowds.

And there I am on what is the most exciting time for me standing on the front steps of Elvis's home, thankyou so much Jim and Carol for taking us on this trip and showing us yet another wonderful day at the home of the King Elvis Lives