Sunday, June 21, 2009

sun screening in the porch

Now that the sun screen is up it is looking like a whole new room it is a nice cool place too

sun screening in the porch

Ken is now getting up the sun screen on the porch it is coming along real nice and soon we can enjoy the porch even more

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Inside porch

Ken taking a well deserved rest from working on the porch, you can see there still more work to be done we will be doing something to the floor lino or carpet not sure yet.

Painting Porch

Diane painted the inside of the porch with a light green which matches the house siding very nicely


Now we are putting siding on the porch it is getting closer to being done. Summer should find us sitting in shade and enjoying our yard.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Metal roofing

Ken putting on the metal roofing bet the thought we were done building but porch will be nice for those hot summer evenings.

Metal roofing

Well yesterday Friday we got more roofing done only a little to do now

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Our porch putting on Metal roofing

We have a couple of pieces of metal roofing going on today it is going good. Ken is doing a great job

Monday, June 8, 2009

Fort Walsh

Two of Diane's favourite things History and horses both of which she found at Fort Walsh

Fort Walsh

The jail house and look Jim B no prisoners

Fort Walsh

In the left corner is the cannon, and Ken is holding one of the pieces of metal that they put into cannon.

Fort Walsh

Here he is showing us one of the rifles used at that time.

Fort Walsh

This is where they would of fixed rifles and small things on the forge, also in left corner is a cannon which they did not have to use for protection. The actor (RCMP) person was also a street actor at Fort Steele for 2 years, Fort Steele is also where Diane worked for 10 years.

Fort Walsh

A view of Fort Walsh near the Cypress Hills, established in 1875 after the news of the Cypress Hills Massacre, the North West Mounted Police came to enforce Canadian Law in the area.