Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 45 Sun Studios

Our tour guide took us into a room where there was all kinds of old equipment used in those early years and how combersome some were even though they were called portable not like our portable equipment of today, we then went downstairs to the recording room, this studio consisted of 3 rooms the reception room the recording room and the sound room it was very small, you can see all the entertainers who got their start at this small studio. It is know that the owner fell on hard times and sold the studio for 3500.00. He was then able to pay off his debts and probably was sorry he never kept some of the famous ones like Elvis, Johnny Cash etc. There is so much to hear about this little studio and we were told we could not go into the sound booth as it is still in use today yes every night someone will come in and want to cut a record or CD and they still do it, although the equipment in this room has changed it is still the unique studio that so many famous entertainers got their first break. Elvis was only with them a few years then he went over to RCA studios.

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