Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 20 Parades in New Orleans for Mardi Gras

We went to some parades today, they were not to far from our RV park, we parked the car in a parking place for $25.00 for the whole day, well this was about 11am when we got here and a parade was about to start, they all come down the same street about 1/2 hour or so apart. Here are Carol Jim and Ken waiting for our first parade, oh yes I was happy to see lots of biffy's around now that is outhouse to those who do not know the Canadian Lingo, but found out it was going to cost me $1.00 everytime I had to use it, well I actually only used it once but we also never stayed for the whole day and evening of parades, we decided to head to the Casino which is a old paddle wheeler for our buffet Valentine's diner and of course gamble a little.

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