Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 25 The Honey Island Swamp Tour

As we left the docking area we went under this bridge and all the buildings and boats we saw were just up from this bridge, you can see that some of them were a bit worse for wear as Katrina did hit this area as well the tour guide we had whose home is further away from here also felt the storm and he and his family evacuated, now also you will see a blue shack with a foundation in front of it well the foundation housed a house which got washed away with Katrina and it floated a mile or so away you will see a picture of this blue house still in tack. However the people just came and got their stuff from it and left it is in the middle of the swamp.

Also we found out that there is a difference between a swamp and a bayou. A swamp is running water and that is what we are on with this tour, and a bayou is still water which is what you would see in some of the movies you have probably seen when they go way back into the swamp lands. They also hunt here for wild boars, lots of deer, there are birds of all kinds. The alligators as we thought would not be out as they are hibernating at this time of the year oh they are there you just cannot see them as they only like nice warm water and hot weather, they make sure when it starts to get cold that they have nothing in their bellies as they hibernate, and when they feel the water warming up and the sun on their noses for that is all you will see of them when hibernating if you could see them, then they may come out and suntan for a few days before they look for food they love the heat.

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